The question of whether to rent or buy a house is something many people ask themselves at some point. It can come down to personal preference, your finances, and your lifestyle. While ultimately, you’re looking for somewhere to put a roof over your head, there are many factors to consider for renting vs buying a house.
Everyone is different, but there could be a more suitable option for you based on your circumstances and future plans. Understanding the benefits of both renting and buying a house could help you make a firm decision as to what to do about your living situation.
Renting can be a fantastic solution if you’re looking to live somewhere for a fixed period of time, or want to live with a partner before committing to buying with them.
Many people see buying a home as an investment, which can be true if things go in your favor. Instead of paying a landlord money, the money comes back to you as equity in your home.
Many people shy away from the idea of renting, seeing it as ‘wasted money’ when you could be investing it in your own property. However, the true cost of homeownership means that there are hidden costs that could make renting a more tempting option. Having a roof over your head is important, and that’s what you’re paying for at the end of the day. Homeownership isn’t for everyone, and having the flexibility to move location, upsize/downsize as you please can be very appealing.
In some cases, the cost of owning a home could be less over your lifetime. If you tend to move frequently (less than every five years), then the costs that come with moving could mean that you’re no better off financially. You could try the
New York Times' rent or buy calculator to help you work out which is best for you - the answer might surprise you.
If the advantages of renting sounds more appealing to you, see what we have available at A Superior
Property Management Company. We have a range of properties looking for tenants that soon could be your new home. Take at look a our current
rentals in Central Oregon <= Click Here.
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Bend, OR 97703